Presentation of the university Abbès Laghrour Khenchela
Abbès Laghrour or Abbas Leghrour (Arabic: عباس لغرور) was born on June 23, 1926 in Douar N'Sigha near the city of Khenchela in Algeria. He follows his education at the French school and obtains his certificate of primary studies.
In 1946, he joined the Algerian People's Party (PPA) and was active with Aurès regional leader Brahim Hannachi. After being fired from his job, he opens a fruit and vegetable shop that becomes a meeting place for party activists. Abbès Laghrour participates in preparations for the war of liberation in the Aurès region in the company of Mostefa Ben Boulaïd, Grine Belkacem and Adjoul Adjoul and directs the groups responsible for launching the attacks during the night of 1 November 1954.
The university
Institute of Letters and Languages. Institute of Juridical and Administrative Sciences.
L'évolution du Centre Universitaire de Khenchela :
According to Executive Decree No. 06-281 of August 16, 2006, Executive Decree No. 01-278 was amended so that the University Center becomes five institutes: Institute of Letters and Languages. Institute of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. Institute of Science and Technology . Institute of Economics, Business and Management Sciences . Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Promotion of University Center to University Rank :
December 14, 2011, His Excellency the President of the Republic, announced the promotion of the University Center of Khenchela to the rank of University, and according to the Executive Decree 12/246 of June 04, 2012, including the creation of the University of Khenchela composed of the following faculties: Faculty of Science and Technology. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life. Faculty of Letters and Languages. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences. Faculty of Law and Political Science.
Speech Rector
كلمة مدير الجامعة بمناسبة حفل افتتاح السنة الجامعية 2021-2022
مدير الجامعة البروفيسور شالة عبد الواحد
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
زميلاتي زملائي الأساتذة
أسرة الإعلام
بناتي أبنائي الطلبة
أيها الضيوف الأكارم أهلا و سهلا و مرحبا بكم جميعا في هذا الصرح العلمي، ونقول لكم وسعتكم قلوبنا قبل أن تسعكم جامعتنا، و شرفتمونا بحضوركم الكريم في هذا اليوم المبارك. اسمحوا لي بداية أن أدعوكم للوقوف دقيقة صمت و قراءة فاتحة الكتاب ترحما على أرواح شهداء الواجب و شهداء الحرائق و شهداء كورونا الذين فقدناهم هذه السنة و منهم الأستاذ... إنه لمن دواعي الفرح و السرور أن نلتقي اليوم في هذا الحفل لنفتتح الموسم الجامعي الجديد 2021-2022 ،و اسمحوا لي بداية أن أشيد بالمجهودات الجبارة التي بذلت من طرف الجميع، أساتذة و طلبة و إدارة لإنهاء العام الماضي رغم الظروف الاستثنائية التي فرضتها جائحة كورونا. سعداء أن نلتقي بكم في هذه المناسبة الطيبة ضيوفا ومسؤولين وطلبة في رحاب جامعتنا الفتية الطموحة، جامعة عباس لغرور رحمه الله ورحم جميع شهدائنا الذين صنعوا لنا من دمائهم مدادا نكتب به مجد هذا الوطن. و إنه لتغمرني سعادة بالغة بوجودي بينكم في هذه الولاية المجاهدة و على سفوح جبال الأوراس الأشم مهد ثورة التحرير المباركة التي ننعم اليوم بفضلها بالحرية و الكرامة و العزة و الشموخ .. و أغتنم هذه السانحة لأعبر عن شكري وامتناني للسيد وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي على تكليفي بهذه المسؤولية الكبيرة وتشريفي بهذه المهمة النبيلة، و أرجو أن أكون في مستوى الثقة التي وضعت في شخصي، و سوف لن أدخر أي جهد لتقديم الأفضل لهذه المؤسسة. كمالا يفوتني أن أتقدم لكم جميعا بجزيل الشكر وجميل الامتنان على حسن الاستقبال الذي حظيت به لدى قدومي إلى هذه الولاية، و على كرم الضيافة الذي غمرتموني به.. و هو ما سيدفعني إلى تقديم وبذل أقصى ما لدي من جهد للرقي بهذه الجامعة والوصول بها إلى أعلى المراتب بإذن الله.. ولن يتحقق ذلك المشاركة ومساهمة كل افراد الأسرة الجامعية ودعم السلطات الولائية والمحلية و كل الخيرين و الغيورين على هذا الوطن. لقد أثبتت التجارب عبر الزمن أن معيار الارتقاء و التميز هو العمل و التعاون و تظافر الجهود و أن مقياس الارتقاء إلى مصاف العالمية ممكن جدا لكل من حمل في ذاته ضميرا حيا يعرف قيمة العطاء و الحرص و الاهتمام. و ليست الجامعة إلا ميدانا تتجسد فيه الجهود العلمية و تتظافر فيه مجهودات الأسرة الجامعية، بدءا بالطالب و وصولا إلى أعلى الهرم، فكلنا معنيون بتلبية هذا النداء الذي يعتبر حياة لنا، من خلال استشعارنا أن الجامعة جزء منا قبل أن نكون جزءا منها، و أنها تسكننا في وجداننا، أكثر مما نسكنها بتواجدنا. أيها الحضور الكريم.. نستأنف الدراسة لهذا العام الجامعي الجديد، و أمارات السعي الحثيث و الجهد الجاد، واضحة و جلية لبناء جزائر جديدة تتسم بتشجيع الكفاءات العلمية وفتح الآفاق المستقبلية في شتى المجالات، فكان لزاما على الجامعة أن تكون النموذج الفريد و المتميز، و لن يتأتى ذلك إلا بمجهوداتكم و تعاونكم و رغبتكم الصادقة و الصريحة في بعث روح جديدة تشهد لها الأجيال في الحاضر و المستقبل و يحفظها التاريخ الحافل ببطولات و أمجاد آبائنا و أجدادنا الذين ما ادخروا جهدا في سبيل تحرير الوطن، و نحن بإذن الله على العهد باقون و على رسالة الشهداء محافظون. و ال يسعنا بهذه المناسبة إلا نثمن الجهود المبذولة من طرف الدولة في مجال التعليم العالي من أجل إعداد إطارات المستقبل و المراهنة على مواكبة التطورات السريعة في عصر المعلوماتية و التكنولوجيا الرقمية...فقد توافرت لطلبتنا ظروف اجتماعية وعلمية ما كانت متوافرة للأجيال السابقة التي سلط عليها الاستعمار كل أنواع الجهل والتخلف... فالطالب اليوم بإمكانه الإقبال بكل يسر على الدراسة فيتعلم باجتهاد ويبحث بجد، إيمانا منه بأنه في جهاد مقدس فالعلم و التعلم رسالة مقدسة شريفة، وال يقل وجود الطالب في الجامعة عن وجود الجندي في حماية الوطن... وال حياة لشعب خامل متخلف في هذا العصر... بل الحياة تصنع بالعلم الذي هو سالح كل شعب يريد الحرية والعتاق من التبعية الأمنية و الاقتصادية.
The Vice-Rectorates:
-Vice-Rectorate of First and Second Cycles Training, Continuing Education and Diplomas and Higher Graduation Training ************* - Vice-Rectorate of Post-graduate Higher Education, Qualification, Scientific Research and Post-Graduation Higher Education ************* - Vice-Rectorate of external relations, cooperation, animation and communication and Scientific events ************* - Vice-Rectorate of Development, Foresight and Guidance
General Secretariat
The office of the general secretariat contributes to the continuity and development of the university. In addition to ensuring compliance with the charter and statutes of the Abbes Laghrour Khenchela University, it also ensures the protection of its rights, by rigorous monitoring and updating of its policies and regulations in compliance applicable laws.
In particular, he has the following responsibilities:
- ensures the career management of staff in accordance with the powers of the faculties, - prepares the university's budget proposal and monitors its execution, - monitors the funding of the activities of research laboratories, - ensures the proper functioning of the university's common services, - implements the university's cultural and sports activities programs and their promotions, - monitors and coordinates internal security plans, -ensures the management and conservation of the archives and documentation of the rectorate. The general secretariat also includes: Under the direction of personnel and training, -The budget and accounting department, -The sub-direction of means and maintenance, -The sub-direction of scientific, cultural and sports activities, -Common university services.
Under the direction of personnel and training
The budget and accounting department
The resources and maintenance department
The sub-direction of scientific, cultural and sports activities
Mr.Iken Mounir
Phone: +213 (0)
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Mme:Ghorab souhila
Phone:+213 (0)
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Email: //
Mr:Merdassi Salah
Phone: +213(0)
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Mr:laouar Amer
Phone: +213(0)
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Email: //
Common Services
- The operation and management of network infrastructures, - Monitoring and implementation of e-learning and distance education projects, - Provide technical support for the design and production of online courses, - Training and supervision of stakeholders in distance education. -Systems Section; - Network section; - Distance Education and Distance Education Section. -Print any information document about the university. -Print educational and didactic materials and scientific publications. -Provide technical support for the recording on any audio-visual medium of educational and didactic materials. , Printing section . Audio visual section. Programming Section; Maintenance and maintenance section.
Mr.Balouli Mourad
EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION : (rentrée universitaire 2016/2017)
L’higher education in the wilaya, is constituted d’a university counting :FACULTIES : 06
Campus University road Constantine with four (04) Faculties that are :
-Faculty of Science and Technology.
-Faculty of Law and Political Science.
-Faculty of letters and Languages.
-Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life.
Campus University Road Batna with a (01) Faculty:
-Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences.
University Campus of the city center with a (01) Faculty:
-Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 10715 (graduations + postgraduation).
FRAMEWORK: (number of permanent teachers)
The City of Khenchela
The people of the province are estimated to have left 366,400 through 21 towns and Daira, performing various activities, agriculture first, followed by industry and commerce. Social data
In the early days of civilization, the history of Khenchela merges with the origin of the Berber and its evolution, its territory, was in antiquity; the theater of important events, which marked the history of Algeria. It was the refuge of the great Berber aguellids such as Labdas, and the legendary Queen El Kahina. Historical overview
In the early days of civilization, the history of Khenchela merges with the origin of the Berber and its evolution, its territory, was in antiquity; the theater of important events, which marked the history of Algeria. It was the refuge of the great Berber aguellids such as Labdas, and the legendary Queen El Kahina. Historical overview
In the early days of civilization, the history of Khenchela merges with the origin of the Berber and its evolution, its territory, was in antiquity; the theater of important events, which marked the history of Algeria. It was the refuge of the great Berber aguellids such as Labdas, and the legendary Queen El Kahina. Natural sites
The wilaya of Khenchela has important and varied natural tourist potentials; an exceptional geological chain to the north-east, the Auréssian mountains with the highest peak, Mount Chelia (2328m), cedar forests considered as the most beautiful cedar forests of the Mediterranean basin as : Thermal springs
Hammam Essalihine is located in the town of El Hamma, tourist and therapeutic site par excellence, 7 km from the capital of the wilaya, the date of its exploitation dates back to Roman times.
The temperature of its waters is close to 70 ° degrees, its chemical composition gives it therapeutic properties indicated for rheumatic, respiratory and dermatological diseases. It has 40 cabins for thermal bath, 5 swimming pools, it records up to 700,000visitors, located in a forest area with a particular climate, it is a favorite place for many tourists; Circular Roman pool, vestige rehabilitated.
In spite of the social changes known by the Algerian people, the Khenchelie society has remained conservative through its population, its identity and the tradition of the region, the Khencheli woman still wears the traditional veil own to the region and is adorned with silver jewels.
In the Khenchelies houses still remain traditional dishes such as the Barboucha dish or couscous, the R'fiss as well as several very famous dishes
Khenchela, which the Romans called "Mascula" was created in the first century AD by the third Roman legion "Augusta". The importance and the number of ruins scattered throughout its territory testify to the vitality of the region and the active presence of the Romans who had developed along the main military routes of penetration (essentially: the passing of the theveste-lambese). by mascula and Baghai). It was the first rampart in the conquest of Aurès by the Byzantines.
In the Middle Ages, Baghaï & Mascula ... experienced a flourishing life rich in events, until the arrival of the Turks who exercised on Khenchela and its surroundings only intermittent control.
The French occupation is marked by revolts and insurrections until the day we sang the song of the revolution the memorable day November 1, 1954.
Khenchela, which the Romans called "Mascula" was created in the first century AD by the third Roman legion "Augusta". The importance and the number of ruins scattered throughout its territory testify to the vitality of the region and the active presence of the Romans who had developed along the main military routes of penetration (essentially: the passing of the theveste-lambese). by mascula and Baghai). It was the first rampart in the conquest of Aurès by the Byzantines.
In the Middle Ages, Baghaï & Mascula ... experienced a flourishing life rich in events, until the arrival of the Turks who exercised on Khenchela and its surroundings only intermittent control.
The French occupation is marked by revolts and insurrections until the day we sang the song of the revolution the memorable day November 1, 1954.
Khenchela, which the Romans called "Mascula" was created in the first century AD by the third Roman legion "Augusta". The importance and the number of ruins scattered throughout its territory testify to the vitality of the region and the active presence of the Romans who had developed along the main military routes of penetration (essentially: the passing of the theveste-lambese). by mascula and Baghai). It was the first rampart in the conquest of Aurès by the Byzantines.
In the Middle Ages, Baghaï & Mascula ... experienced a flourishing life rich in events, until the arrival of the Turks who exercised on Khenchela and its surroundings only intermittent control.
The French occupation is marked by revolts and insurrections until the day we sang the song of the revolution the memorable day November 1, 1954.
- The forests of Beni-Oudjnan and Beni-Amloul
- Forests Ouled Yakoub
- The spaces of Ouled El-Arab and Beni-Berbre.
This exceptional natural diversity is able to attract visitors and tourists.
To this marvelous natural landscape combined with the ancient relics of the Hammam Essalihine spa, there are innumerable existing or planned reception facilities for investment projects.